The Todd And Don Show - KLBJ-AM - Austin, TX

Texas Democrats fleeing to D.C.

The irony of the Democrats’ walkout is that they are suppressing the voices of their constituents. They cry “voter suppression” but what they are doing is the epitome of voter suppression. They are depriving voters of representation.

Originally aired on KLBJ.

I had the pleasure of joining the Todd and Don Show on KLBJ to discuss the Texas Democrats fleeing to D.C. in an attempt to kill the election integrity bill — an attempt that is inevitably headed for failure.

The Todd And Don Show – KLBJ-AM – Austin, TX

The dishonesty surrounding the election integrity bill is going to backfire. Texans are tired of being lied to. Texans show up and work. So I say to the Ds: Be an honest and true Texan. Come home and finish the job.

The irony of the Democrats’ walkout is that they are suppressing the voices of their constituents. They cry “voter suppression” but what they are doing is the epitome of voter suppression. They are depriving voters of representation.

These men and women took an oath to represent their constituents. And people who represent their constituents don’t get on private jets and fly to D.C. They stay at the Texas Capitol and fight. They make their voices heard. They ensure their constituents are represented. They let democracy work.

Listen to the full broadcast here.

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